Tuesday, June 23, 2009

IKAT - design it and roundup

The word “ikat” means “to bind.” It is a very ancient way of creating designs in fabric by resist-dyeing the threads before the fabric is woven. In Uzbekistan, villagers especially in Ferghana Valley take the weft (crosswise filling threads) and tie tiny bits of plastic onto the threads. The tightly tied areas of thread, when put into the dye pot, resist the color and create a pattern, once the plastic ties are removed. Traditional Uzbek ikat cottons are often dyed in lively and engaging motifs representing the village life and beliefs of the people. Ikats are often symbols of status, wealth, power and prestige. Modern Uzbek adras ikats in cotton and silk are brightly colored with good imported natural dyes.

I own a yellow and white Ikat armchair that I absolutely love....When I added that chair to my living room, it just instantly brightened up the room. Here are some of my favorite rooms with a touch of ikat and an affordable and accessible ikat roundup...Enjoy!

Pillows 1-4 are from Uzbek-craft.com and range from $19-$29
Pillows 4 & 5 are from Uzbekalive.com and cost $28 each

The yellow fabric above is the same fabric of my armchair...

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