Thursday, July 23, 2009

to love a floor...

What would you do? Think about this...Your wood floors are in great condition; The perfect patina and no sign of re-finishing needed any time soon...Would you paint over your perfect floor to fulfill a long time dream of a geometric painted floor? I mean let's face it..this painted floor is absolutely stunning!

And so is this one, which you already know I'm in love with... I look at my almost pristine oak floors every now and then and ponder at the idea of just going for it! Then the doubt sets in...What If I get sick of it after a couple of a fad? What would I do then? On the other hand..What if painting my floor is the ONE detail that will make my house feel perfect!

These are the questions I ask myself, every time I see a perfectly painted floor like this one...
Can't figure this one out either....As a designer, why would I not hesitate to do this for someone else, but I cannot build up the courage to do this for myself?


  1. I'm afraid that I'm the last one to ask...I'm a scardy cat.....I love oak floors and , as much as they look stunning , I think that I would be fed up with that look within a year AND I think that it will date very quickly....but what do I know !!!! XXXX

  2. I would be honoured to have you as my BFF Mimi !!!
    You are very welcome to come and stay but I'm afraid my house isn't quite as good as the ones that I post !!! XXXX

  3. gorgeous floors! so much details. I love white wooden floors personally but touches like these make it so dramatic!

  4. Mimi..thats what a belt sander is for!!!
    I painted Hailey's floor when she was 5 but by & she wanted a more grown up hello Home Depot & it all goes away.
    I hope your friend found some comfort in my poem. Thank you so much for the lovely words.

  5. Beautifully painted wooden floors. I love the first photo.
