Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Peak at my Block Printed Fabric...

Yesterday...I finally started working on my block printed fabric! This is something I have wanted to do for quite some time now... I have sketch books with many drawings in them and so many ideas in my head. I have carved out blocks of my drawings, purchased paint and all of the materials needed for surface design..Read book after book and researched other textile designers for inspiration..but I haven't actually put it all into action until now... So here is a sneak peak at the very beginning of Mimi Betancourt Textiles...I have selected to show you a couple of geometrics, although I'm pretty fond of florals and Japanese motifs as well. Today I was playing with mediums (block printing and silk screening) and mixing lots of color...I had a such a blast and I am so inspired. I have a long road ahead, but I know it's all going to happen exactly the way I dream it...Enjoy!



  1. shut up! you did that??!! umm sign me up for the last one please :)

  2. Mimi!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These are fabulous....seriously! Wow, I love them!

    You are sounding SO positive and excited....it's lovely to hear :)

  3. Good for you, these are awesome!!!

  4. Wonderful work, Mimi...your fabric printing is brilliant...it's funny 'cos, whilst clearing out the loft the other week, I found my piece of fabric printing, that I did when I was 16 for my final piece of art work for my A level exam at school...and it was quite similar...and that was MANY, MANY years ago now !!!!....but yours is so much better!!!! XXXX

  5. Love indeed Mimi! I have heard this is not as easy as it looks. I am very impressed. Can't wait to follow your progress & your developing of designs. Wow!!

  6. Uber Chic and very beautiful Mimi!
    Peter Rabcevics

  7. Mimi, WOW!!! I always knew you had talent, and I'm so glad that I'm finally seeing it at last. Your passion is definitely there in your designs. I'm not familiar with the behind the scenes of creating fabric designs, but I know what I like. These are good!!! I'm sooo proud of you, and I know you will have all the success you ever dreamed. :) Jackie

  8. I love the geometric green fabric too - really good for block-printed!

  9. Hi Mimi, Just stopping by to say hello. Hope you have a fabulous weekend Ax

  10. this is amazing, you make it look so easy - I gotta try that soon with my kids!

  11. Hi Mimi, your word is beautifull. I'm a printmaker from argentina. You are using silkscreen Inks? Me encantarĂ­a estampar telas con mis woodblocks, pero no se que tinta usar. Thanks! Gracias!

  12. Love every bit of ur work. U made very beautiful designs. Colors are brilliant and design is perfectly printed. Please can u share information about the paints/ink used for doing block printing here. My fabric paints r very thin. I tried to do some block printing but results r not really good.

  13. what kind of paints or inks you use for the fabric
